Jerimiah and I had the opportunity to model for a photography workshop in Palm Springs a couple weeks ago hosted by Emily Penuelas. We got to work with an amazing group of photographers and took pictures at sunset to get the amazing golden hour glow and a little after sunset to get that amazing blue light. The photographers are credited at the bottom of each photo and if you’re here for the dress, it’s the Giulianna dress by Off White Bride.

Fun fact, Jerimiah and I did another shoot in this same spot with this same car earlier this year. I’ll have to share those pictures some time in the future.

This dress was actually my favorite dress from a shoot. It’s the Giulianna dress from Off White Bride and it was incredibly comfortable, it has sleeves which makes it even better, and it was amazing. I would’ve worn that dress all day if I could. The florals were from Blissful Blooms By Becky and the car was from CV Classic Cars.

Full Vendor List:
Workshop Host: Emily Penuelas
Dress: Giullianna by Off White Bride
Florals: Blissful Blooms by Becky
Car: CV Classic Car Rentals