I’ve always wanted to decorate for Valentine’s Day, but budget and time always get the best of me. So this year, as I was browsing Target’s Valentine’s Day decorations, I found two items I just couldn’t pass up and decided to give it a try. Here’s how it all turned out!
What I Purchased

My budget was pretty limited when it came to decorating, so I stuck to just a few pieces and mixed it with things I already had. Everything I purchased is listed below:
1 – Target Valentine Ceramic Poodle Figurine // This poodle is what started all this a couple weeks ago. I saw it on the Target website and had to grab it while it was still available (you know how fast Target decorations sell out). It’s the cutest little decoration and I love it.
2 – Target Valentine Ceramic Short Building Figurine // I saw this little house figurine after I saw the poodle and had to have it too. It’s the perfect little Valentine decoration.
3 – Target XOXO Garland // The idea was starting to come together in my head at this point and I knew I needed a banner to tie it all together. This one was super cute and was only $15.
4 – H&M Home Large Ribbed Glass Vase // I’ve had my eye on this vase for so long and this gave me the perfect excuse to buy it. And if you didn’t know, H&M has some pretty cute home decor. You can check it out here!
5 – Amazon Pink Glass Candleholders // Glass candlesticks have had my attention for a while now, and this seemed like the perfect occasion for them. I grabbed these pink candlesticks on Amazon and love the unique shapes.
How It Turned Out

I spent around $100 on all of the decorations and used things I already had, like the framed art print, and really tried to make something Valentines Day inspired without being over the top. I really like how it turned out and am pretty proud of myself.
And, when it comes to the ribbed vase and pink candleholders, those are items I can use year-round. And that poodle figurine is just my favorite decoration ever. So even though it was around $100 for everything (including the flowers), these are items I can use over and over again.

Work In Progress
One thing I’d like to do with this blog is to also point out design choices that don’t turn out exactly how I plan. With design and creativity, there are times when a vision just doesn’t come out how we want, and that’s okay. It’s part of the creative process. But by sharing it, maybe I can get some recommendations on how to fix it, and just work through what’s missing.
So, for my Valentine’s Day decorations, the mantel didn’t turn out exactly how I wanted. Here’s a photo:

It’s cute, but I feel like the scale is off. Do you see it too?
I feel like the right side needs more weight to it, and the large mantel and big mirror are still kind of overpowering everything. It’s like everything just needs to be bigger. Taller vase, bigger flowers, larger piece of art, something else anchoring that right side.
I’m still proud of how it turned out, but it definitely didn’t give me the wow factor I was looking for on the mantel. Especially with the scale of the mirror and fireplace.
Anyways, that wraps up my little attempt at Valentine’s Day decorations. I hope you have a wonderful and amazing Valentine’s Day and get to enjoy time with your loved ones, whether that’s family, friends, pets, or significant others. Happy Valentine’s Day!