So… life lately. This is my first post like this, so I guess I’ll just dive right in and get started.
I turned 31 this year, which is super exciting! I’m a firm believer in celebrating your birthdays, so yay for 31! I was laid off from my job last year so I am currently unemployed. I’m a new mom and am 6 months postpartum (motherhood is incredible, by the way). And I am currently writing this from my childhood home, because we had to move back in with my dad to cut costs.
Life is all the things, all at once. But that definitely keeps things interesting.
When we moved out of our place in LA, our landlord said, “There are times in life when we have more, and there are times when we have less, and you just have to remember to breathe through the changes.” He is also a Marriage & Family Therapist, so I’m sure he has a bunch of gems like that, but it’s a really nice reminder to breathe and just go with it in times of change and uncertainty.
There are times in life when we have more, and there are times when we have less, and you just have to remember to breathe through the changes.
So, wherever you are in your life, just remember to breathe. I don’t particularly like sharing, all of this is a bit out of place for me, but I don’t want this to be a place where real life is forgotten or where I just share inspiration and pretty things all the time.
We are surrounded by “aspirational marketing” and “aspirational lifestyle brands” and “aspirational content” nowadays. And yes, there is absolutely a place for it. We all aspire to have nice things, and success (whatever that means for you), and all of that. But, I don’t want to be aspired at all the time.
Sometimes, I just want something genuine and real and down-to-earth. A place where I can dream, and create, and set goals, and work towards something. And I hope that’s what this blog can be, not just for me, but for you as well.
I won’t do these “Life Lately” posts all the time, but I definitely felt like sharing a little bit about myself and where I’m at it in life currently, and share a little bit about where I want to go.
When I turned 30, my goal was to work for myself by 31. And since I’m not working right now, I guess that came true. Just not in the way I planned haha.
So, I want to use this opportunity to make working for myself, and actually earning an income while doing it, a reality.
Which is now 10000x more important since I’m a mom and really need to make my own schedule so I can spend time with my family on my own terms, and not at the whims and will of a job that will let you go whenever they need to.
So, to share with you and hold myself more accountable, my goals are:
- Become a professional screenwriter (something I’ve been pursuing for a few years now)
- Build this blog into my little corner of the internet
I want this blog to become something. I want it to be a place where you can find that dream house, where you can find inspiration for your moodboard or next home project. A place where you can geek out on home design and decor like I do. Where you can find a cute outfit and a great recipe recommendation. A place where you can just enjoy your time and find something useful and inspirational.
In essence, I just want to sell movie scripts and have a blog. That’s not too much to ask, right?
Let’s Go
So, I say all this to share obviously, but to also invite you along on the journey with me. Let’s dream and create and set goals and work towards something together. Let me know in the comments what you’re currently working towards. I’d love to know. Let’s hold each other accountable and make these goals a reality. Let’s go make things happen! 🙂