And by we’re back, I mean I’m back on the blog and posting again! (insert confetti here)
I started this blog in September 2021 and I was so excited and dedicated. I had all my posts planned out, I was going to be so consistent with it, and then… life and work and all the things got in the way. I started a new job, was trying to finish one of the scripts I was working on, and we were planning our wedding and honeymoon.
The months just flew by and while all this was going on, I kept thinking about the blog and feeling bad about not having time for it. So once July rolled around and the wedding and honeymoon were done (and they were wonderful), I realized how much free time I had and I knew it had to come here, to this blog.
So, that’s my long way of explaining why there’s such a big gap between my last post and this one. This blog has been on my mind for a while now and I’m so glad to be picking it back up again.
So here’s to trying and picking back up where I left off. It’s never too late to pursue your passions or find new hobbies. Every day is a new day to try again, and that’s all we can do is keep trying. So I’m very happy to be back here on the blog and I’m excited to see where it goes! And I’ll try to not go almost a year without posting again but we’ll see what happens š